GOAL 4. Build a Robust University System

NMSU seeks to improve the University System, across the board, for faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors, stakeholders, and prospective students and their families. Cooperation throughout the NMSU system will be exemplary for university systems across the nation through efficient, effective, and empowering operations that align with our strategic goals.

Goal 4 Summer 2022 Updates



4.1 Advance equity, inclusion and diversity and effectively support students, faculty and staff
4.2 Cultivate faculty and staff excellence, enhance productivity and improve the work climate
4.3 Nimbly respond to a dynamic higher ed environment, optimizing systems, processes and space utilization




Current Priorities

Priorities Centralized Initiatives Examples at Unit Level
Improve staff, faculty and student diversity, inclusion and engagement Understand current level of system-wide support, and develop a more integrated plan to implement Use diversity plan and best practices for hiring and retention
Improve business and operational practices and processes to achieve a culture of service and excellence Map current processes and reduce steps, approvals to better meet user needs and improve process timeliness and accuracy Use Lean process improvement methods at College/Unit levels for local level improvements
Elevate information and communication technologies to support NMSU community, systems and security Launch system-wide ICT Futures Group to start the process to envision the future of information technology services at NMSU. Nine Tiger Teams involving ICT staff, college and unit faculty and staff, students, administrative leadership and others were appointed to review and get input on current operations and present recommendations on several topic areas: Learn More: https://leads2025.nmsu.edu/goal-4/ict-futures/

KPIs with Current Measures

Goal Champion

D'Anne Stuart, Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance

Goal 4 - Team Members

First Name Last Name Title Affiliation
D'Anne Stuart Associate Vice President Office of Administration and Finance
Gena Jones Assistant Vice President Human Resource Services
Thomas Bunton Chief Information Officer  Information and Communication Technologies
Lauren  Goldstein Organizational Development Specialist  Strategic System Services 
Jon  Webster Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor/COVID-19 Project Manager Strategic System Services 
Cortney Castle-Chavez Executive Administration Assistant  Office of the Vice President for Research 
Robert  Herrera Executive Director  PD&E/Facilities and Services
Heather  Watenpaugh University Architect  Facilities and Services 
Ermelinda Quintela Senior Administrator Strategic System Services 
Kim Rumford Chief Budget Officer Budget Office
Gaylene Fasenko Faculty Senate Chair/Professor, Companion Animals College of ACES 
Susanne Berger Employee Council Chair/Executive Director  Facilities and Services Administration
Rolando  Flores Provost delegate College of ACES
TBD  ASNMSU delegate
TBD Climate Action Team (CAT) delegate

Previous Participants

First Name Last Name Title Affiliation
Greg Fant Associate Vice President & Deputy Provost Office of the Provost
Kathy Brook Associate Dean College of Business
Katrina Doolittle Executive Director Environmental Health Safety & Risk Management
Norma Grijalva Chief Info Officer ICT
Laura Boucheron Spence Associate Professor Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Melina Burnside Vice President ASNMSU
Luis Campos  Associate Vice President Facilities and Services 
Alisha Giron  Associate Vice President  Research Administration 
Sheri  Pettit Administrative Assistant, Special/Executive College of Arts and Sciences 
Letty Gallegos Academic Advisor  Center for Academic Advising and Student Support 
Julia  Parra  Associate Professor  Curriculum and Instruction 
Dacia  Sedillo  University Registrar  University Student Records Office 
Kelly  Brooks  Vice President for Finance DACC Business Office 
Mary Jo Billiot  Interim Associate Dean  College of Business 
Justin  Bannister Associate Vice President  Marketing and Communications 
Maura  Gonsior  Director  Employee and Labor Relations 
BJ  Maestas  Manager  ICT FSA Business Solutions & Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)
Melody  Munson-McGee Chief of Staff  Office of the President 
Ann  Coombes Goodman Dean of Students  Student Life 
Abby  Denham-Worley Director  Employment and Compensation Services 
Chris  Kielt  Interim Chief Information Officer  ICT