GOAL 5. Build an Online Global Campus

NMSU Global will be the online leader in New Mexico, creating an equal opportunity for every person to learn, regardless of their location, with a quality degree program, certification, or micro-credential. Developing the foundation and structure of the Global Campus in collaboration with the NMSU system will provide flexible, affordable, online education across New Mexico and beyond, competing against encroaching Mega Universities to keep more tuition dollars within the state of New Mexico, resulting in financial sustainability to foster continued growth in key strategic areas within the system.


5.1 Provide access to quality higher education programs regardless of location.
5.2 Scale enrollment growth across our state and beyond.
5.3 Establish an educated workforce throughout New Mexico and beyond.
5.4 Produce financial sustainability for NMSU system.




Current Priorities

Priorities Centralized Initiatives

Quality Online Education

Student Success

Positive Student Outcomes through academic advising and mentoring responsiveness focused on high level student engagement from admission to graduation. Student success is measured across a femtor/mentor student development model, with emphasis on intentional student success mentoring through the individual online experience of the adult learner. Caring mentorship brings together cultural knowledge and practical application in diversity, equity, and inclusion, incorporating family/work responsibilities, financial fitness, personal health and wellness, emotional and social development, physical and cognitive development, career pathways, experiential learning, encouragement, and academic persistence to graduation.

Quality Online Education

Faculty Support and Success

Faculty Success at NMSU Global demonstrates excellence in the delivery of online education. This includes being productive and accountable to students, representing diversity within the faculty pool, having demonstrated experience in online delivery and relevant practices, being well-supported and compensated, participating regularly in upskilling and other professional development, and sharing best practices with peers throughout the NMSU system.

Operational Capacity & Excellence

By achieving Operational Efficiency at NMSU Global Campus, we can provide high-quality services and optimize resource usage while ensuring equal access to quality education for all students. We envision a future where operations are streamlined, effective, and agile, but also culturally responsive and equitable. This allows us to respond to changing demands and emerging opportunities to meet the diverse needs of our students. Through continuous improvement and innovation, we aim to achieve operational excellence that empowers us to deliver optimal results for our stakeholders and create sustainable value throughout the NMSU system.

Innovative Solutions

Technology and Innovation at NMSU Global means being at the forefront of new technological developments and using them to create new learning models, services, or establishing efficiencies. This includes being open to innovative ideas and being willing to experiment and take measured risks with recent technologies. It also means being able to identify and capitalize on opportunities for innovation. This will allow us to adopt technology to meet the diverse needs of our adult learner population, provide equitable access to educational opportunities, and enhance the necessary sense of belonging throughout their educational journey.


Sustainable Growth

 Digital Presence at NMSU Global is grounded in the development of a comprehensive digital strategy that aligns with our brand's values, goals, and target audience. In addition, NMSU Global strives to establish a comprehensive and compelling digital presence that effectively communicates our brand's message, engages our target audience, creates a sense of inclusion, and drives enrollment growth. We must regularly evaluate our digital performance and make necessary adjustments to our strategy and tactics, ensuring that we are continuously improving our digital presence and driving business success using the key performance indicators below.

KPIs with Current Measures

Quality Online Education
Student Success Outcomes

1. Sense of belonging: Through a Personalized Online Student Experience with Online Hi-Touch (OHT) Student-Centered Model.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Achieve 95% student engagement and participation in OHT programming three times a year (Fall, Spring, Summer) by 2030.
  • Through an IRB approved survey, achieve 85% or above in student satisfaction with NMSU Global and overall satisfaction with the online program by 2025.

2. Student persistence and retention: Persistence measures the student’s ability to advance to the next term. Positive student retention goals achieved will reveal NMSU Global’s ability to retain students through graduation through high-impact academic advising, guidance, and mentoring. Students will be retained through successful course completion, term over term, year over year.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Through enrollment date reporting, achieve 91% or above in student persistence (term-over-term or semester-over-semester) through 2028. 

3. Academic Advising/Mentoring/Career Services

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Through performance reviews, identify advising team members demonstrating consistent leadership performance to accept additional operational responsibilities.
  • Through the creation of small teams (PODS), establish a balanced Admissions/Advisor/Mentor/Financial Aid workload that supports wraparound services for student by 2025.
  • Administer end of term/semester student advising and mentoring surreys that produce a service satisfaction rate of 90% or above by 2025.
  • Develop virtual career exploration opportunities for students and alumni at least once per term and/or six times per year.
  • Track employment rate of current and graduating students who secure employment in field of study through sequenced (30-60-90-annual) surveys by 2030.

4. First year experience: The first year experience (FYE) refers to the transitional period that students go through when they first start college or university. It is a critical time for students as they adjust to including academics in their daily lives. The FYE is typically designed to support student in making a smooth transition to college and to help them build a strong foundation for academic success.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Through internal enrollment data, ensure at least 90% of first-year student engage in FYE programming by 2025.
  • Increase student persistence by at least 1% every year for the next five years with implementation of FYE student success mentoring, which includes weekly outreach to students.
  • In collaboration with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, evaluate and track course completion rates and identify courses where students are achieving 75% or below by 2025.


Quality Online Education
Faculty Support and Success

1. Faculty workload and productivity: Track instructors on an individual and departmental basis to identify areas that need additional support. This would include the number of hours faculty spend working with students directly and indirectly during the course. A student load of 25-30 allows for more instructor/student interaction. Creating and staffing new sections when numbers are close to this threshold maintains the student:faculty ratio to enhance student learning.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Through collaboration efforts between academic colleges and instructional design services, develop online courses and programs that meet the needs of stakeholders through the use of data informed program decisions by 2025.
  • Provide faculty with the service of having current online courses peer reviewed by Digital Faculty Fellows through 2030.
  • Request the completion of the course effectiveness surveys at the end of each online course to measure the effectiveness of the instructional design by 2025. The evaluations will provide growth producing feedback from students on the quality of course content and overall ability to successfully achieve learning outcomes.
  • In collaboration with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and academic departments, maintain awareness of faculty workload, including the number of courses taught and the number of students per course, to ensure reasonable workload by 2030.
  • Report enrollment data on term by term, semester by semester, and year by year basis per academic program and for non-credit courses.
  • Establish a communication plan for all stakeholders who serve NMSU Global students by 2025.
  • Develop standard recruiting and hiring practices in collaboration with Associate Deans and Department Heads of each academic college for adjuncts, professors of practice, and college track faculty by 2025.

2. Faculty turnover rate and the number full-time v. part-time faculty: Create a stable work environment where faculty will want to return by introducing more full-time faculty, visiting-faculty, or professors-of-practice contracts; hire adjunct faculty on year-long contacts rather than term by term or semester by semester. Also included in these metrics is the hiring of faculty who represent our student; faculty of color (FOC) and other minoritized faculty groups should be considered in every hire.

Supported indicators or measured performance: 

  • Records term over term and year over year data on successful, continuous hires for NMSU Global by 2025.
  • In collaboration with academic units, record the data on current faculty teaching contracts that are one-year or permanent within a department by 2025.
  • In collaboration with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, record demographics of faculty, FT and PT by 2025, to ensure alignment with student population.

3. Faculty compensation: Build a system of compensation at an agreeable rate for work done to create and teach courses for NMSU Global. This includes paying faculty a development stipend to design and build a course with an instructional designer, and paying for courses that meet a quality metric after development.

  • Supported indicators or measured performance:
    Increase compensation for development to $5,000 ($4,000 for development and $1,000 for meeting a quality metric) by 2025.

4. High-impact faculty: Create positive conditions that keep talented teaching professionals engaged with our Hispanic-Serving and Minority-Serving Institution {HSI/MSI) mission, essential for the success of students. This includes providing supportive onboarding processes and ongoing development for faculty to grow in their profession.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Implement a paid 20-hour onboarding professional development for new adjunct, professors of practice, visiting professors, and college track faculty that will require participation prior to teaching an online course by 2025. The workshop aims to equip new faculty with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and contribute to the success of all students.
  • Redesign and increase at least three (3) Microlearning and on-campus professional development resources (provided by Academic Technology, Teaching Academy, and Instructional Design} every year by 2025.

Operational Capacity and Excellence

1. Service level agreements. Establishing service level agreements (SLAs) provides responsibility and accountability for NMSU Global to respond with relevant and reliable information in a professional manner.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Through the use of revenue sources, NMSU Global will utilize no more than 80% of available resources by 2030.
  • Through IRB approval, launch a yearly Inclusive and Agile Time-to-Market Index survey to all stakeholders of NMSU Global. This survey will measure our ability in bringing online programs and services to market while ensuring inclusivity and diversity. It would involve tracking the time required to develop and launch innovative programs that are designed to meet the needs and preferences of diverse communities and stakeholders. This indicator will provide the necessary feedback that will inform us how effect we are in responding to emerging opportunities, while also fostering a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and innovation.
  • Through IRB approval, launch a yearly Empathetic Stakeholder Engagement Index survey to all stakeholders of NMSU Global. This predesigned survey will measure NMSU Global' s ability to engage with its stakeholders in an empathetic and respectful manner that values perspectives, needs, and experiences. This KPI enables us to build trust and foster positive relationships with our stakeholders.


Innovative Solutions
New learning models paired with technology of the future.

1. Innovative technology use: The use of innovative, cutting/bleeding edge technology within NMSU Global courses.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Conduct at least three (3) pilot programs in NMSU Global each academic year through 2025.
  • Construct framework and criteria to receive feedback by instructional design team and faculty/staff sponsors on ability to enhance learning outcomes by 2025.

2. lmmersive experiences: Measure how useful students find the immersive experiences given to them in VR (Virtual Reality), through surveys, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Develop standard measurement criteria that allows students to rate their level of satisfaction within the immersive experience. The student satisfaction rating should be maintained at 85% or above by 2030.
  • Construct framework and criteria to receive feedback by instructional design team and faculty/staff sponsors on ability to enhance learning outcomes by 2025.

3. User engagement and satisfaction: How engaged users are with technology, such as learning management system (LMS) and the embedded digital sources within the management system. Increased user engagement can indicate that integrated technology is assisting with more interaction with content, resulting in positive learning experience.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Increase student engagement with technology by 25% as measured by the number of logins, course content views, interactions with other students, and overall participation in the course by 2025.
  • Sustain a minimum of 90% student and faculty satisfaction rating with technology utilized through surveys, interviews, or focus groups by 2025.


Sustainable Growth

1. Website engagement and conversions: Create high-quality, relevant, and shareable content that informs and educates our target audience, increasing our online reach and authority. We strive to continuously innovate and adapt our digital strategy and tactics to stay ahead of the competition and respond to emerging trends and technologies. Utilizing data analytics to measure and optimize our digital marketing campaigns, website performance, and user engagement ensures that we are meeting our enrollment goals and objectives. This KPI (Key Performance Indicator) measures the level of engagement with content, and growth in the number of enrolled students compared with total marketing campaign costs that engage a new potential student through digital channels.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • The percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action:
    • Request for Information (RFI)
    • Subscription to monthly newsletter and media channels
    • Admission Appointments
  • Achieve percentage of growth based on enrolled students' term over term, semester over semester and year over year.

2. Website effectiveness: A website that is not only visually attractive and responsive, but also user-friendly, effectively displaying our programs and services. It should communicate our brand's message clearly and encourage engagement from our users. It is crucial to optimize our website for search engine visibility and an accessible user experience, ensuring that our content is relevant, informative, inclusive, and valuable to our target audience. This KPI will help evaluate the effectiveness of the website in attracting visitors and the effectiveness of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy in improving visibility and driving traffic to the website.

Supported indicators or measured performance:

  • Achieve growth in the number of visitors to the website term over term, semester over semester, and year over year.
  • Identify and record the number of NMSU Global webpages accessed and from what location (e.g., internal/external) to develop target marketing campaigns by 2025.
  • Achieve website ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords by 2025.
  • Evaluate website site analytics and construct action items to enhance performance by 2025.

3. Enrollment: Attract new and retain current students to successfully achieve YOY enrollment goals. Successfully achieving scalable growth requires the support of an intentional digital and marketing presence, an admissions process that is accessible and expedient, and student success that provides wraparound services to students through graduation. We aim to build a team that adheres to service level standards that provide responsive and accurate information about our application process and programs, from the moment of inquiry. This KPI would measure the number of new students who enroll in the online programs, persist, and retained.

Supported indicators or measured performance: 

  • Increase website visitors who complete an application by 20% YOY through 2025.
  • Increase number of applications by 45% YOY through 2025.
  • Increase number of admitted students by 45% YOY through 2025.
  • Increase admissions appointments by 45% YOY through 2025.
  • Achieve 45% growth in the number of enrolled students' term over term, semester over semester and year over year.

Goal Champion

Sherry Kollmann, PhD – Chancellor, NMSU Global Campus

Goal 5 - Team Members

1. Quality Online Education - Student Success Outcomes

Jodie Kenney, EdD – Assistant Director of Academic Online Advising
Cody Singer, EdD - Director, Admissions

Specific to: Academic Advising

  • Megan Boyd – Lead Academic Advisor
  • Shelby Sears – Career Services Coordinator
  • Jin Yin – Academic Advisor
  • Tiffany Barlow – Undergraduate Psychology Major
  • Shane Mosley – Undergraduate Geomatics Major
  • Steve Lazarin – Student Success Mentor


Dénise Rodriguez-Strawn, PhD – Director of First Year Experience and General Education
Seth Miner, PhD ABD - Vice Chancellor, Enrollment Services

Specific to: Sense of Belonging, Student Persistence and Retention, and First Year Experience

  • Yvonne Moreno, PhD, College Assistant Professor, Special Education
  • Mónica Montoya, Ph.D. Candidate, LCSW, Interim Co-Director, Social Work
  • Brianna Medina, Student Program Coordinator
  • Mike Chandler, MSCJ, MBA, Academic Online Advisor | Military & Vet Advisor
  • Aida A. Lopez, Ph.D., MBA, Director of Finance and Budgeting Operations, HEST
  • Marissa Fowler, PhD, Assoc. Dir. CAASS

2. Quality Online Education - Faculty Support and Success

Beth Apodaca, PhD – Director of Instructional Design
Dénise Rodriguez-Strawn, PhD – Director of First Year Experience and General Education


  • Robbie Grant, Director of Academic Technology
  • Marija Dimitrijevic, A&S, Criminal Justice Program Coordinator
  • Michael Marks, A&S, Psychology Program Coordinator
  • Merranda Marin, ACES, Dept. Chair, Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Tobi Parry-Collins, HEST, C&I
  • Philip Braker, ENG, ICT Program Coordinator
  • Betsy Bender Stringam, PhD, Director for NMSU Global for ACES

3. Operational Capacity and Excellence (Operational Efficiency)

Yolanda Hernandez, MBA, Director of Operations
Alyssa Lockman, Manager of Global Marketing Web and Brand Development


  • Danielle Staley, Dir, Admissions, Undergrad Admissions & Orientation
  • Shantelle Estes, Admissions Advisor Sr.
  • Gena Barela, Project Manager
  • Paid Services from Rachel Boren, Director, SOAR Evaluation and Policy Center, HEST

4. Innovative Solutions (Technology and Innovation)

Andrew Sedillo, Director of Microlearning
Robbie Grant, MBA, Director of Academic Technology


  • Tessa Kennedy, Student Program Coordinator, Senior/Graduate Student Program Coordinator
  • Dan Olsson, Enterprise Technology Administrator
  • Michelle Townsend, Manager/Lead Enterprise Instructional Technology Administrator
  • Marija Dimitrijevic, College Associate Professor and Program Coordinator
  • Michael Hout, Graduate Program Director
  • Colleen Cleveland, Instructional Designer
  • Rachel Portillo, Instructional Designer
  • Betsy Bender Stringam, PhD, Director for NMSU Global for ACES

5. Sustainable Growth (Digital Presence)

Alyssa Lockman, Manager of Global Marketing Web and Brand Development
Cody Singer, EdD – Director, Admissions


  • Daniel Watts, Sr. Web Developer
  • Lori King, Marketing Communications Specialist
  • Fernanda Ortiz, Sr. Graphic Designer
  • Samantharai Yrigoyen, Associate Director of Prospect Management
  • Brianna Medina, Student Program Coordinator
  • Rafael Delgado, Associate Director, Aggie One-Stop